Oh Winter, Life Elevated
Oh here we go
Another chance of snow
To be fair
It will clean the air
There is no doubt
We are in a drought
Need the snow pack
For moisture we lack
I know we need it
But I am over it
Bring on the Spring
And all the green
The flowers in bloom
The allergies of doom
For those with S.A.D.
We will be glad
For days with more light
No need to fright
It will be here soon
For now enjoy the moon
Witchy Woman
In the olden days
We would be
Burned at the stake
Just for using
The natural ways
To heal what ails
They called us witches
Oh those fools
Should have listened
But they were
To blind to see
Those were the
Darkest of days
Old way no remedies
Only pills for the ill's
No way to see
The light of day
Needed another way
Heal the body, the real deal
Today more see the way
The healers with
Their herbal remedies
Salves, tinctures, tonics
Still some do not understand
I am here to say
We are not witches
It is ok to find
A natural way
To help and heal
We are not the enemy
Just let us be
Witchy folk and the like
We need to unite
No need to fear us
Take your blinders off
Find a new way
We can teach you
Embrace something new
Oh me Oh my
Your free to be you
I am free to be me
So why do people
Have to be so judgey
We are all not the same
That would be so lame
I believe as I do
I am not hurting you
You have your faith
I have my spirituality
Do no harm but
Take no ****
Some people just don't get it
Don't be a hypocrite
Share your love
And be kind
That does not
Cost a dime
Protect nature and
Our animal friends
We are all
Each other has
Oh me oh my
Can't we all
Just get along
Just Breathe
When the days are dark
You think you can not
Just take a deep breath
Give yourself time to rest
Find joy in the little things
A purring cat on your lap
A rare afternoon nap
A cup of cocoa or Chai tea
Give yourself just time to be
Relax and reflect on the day
Bright days and better things
Are on the way
Just Breathe
Life in a Metaphorical Punchbowl
When the sun is out
You want to roam about
The air is not clear
You wish rain was near
Sometimes the haze
Can last for days
The mountains are a scene
When you can see through the sheen
The inversion has set in
Some days you can’t win
Bring some snow or rain
To take away the stain
The inversion has made
The punchbowl effect
What the heck