Something to post...
If you had a bad or good day today,or yesterday,or even the week before!Then hope this can show that any problem can become a good day.So here we go!
Read from top to bottom:
Today was the absolute worst day ever
and don't try to convince me that
There's something good in every day
Because,when you take a ce goodloser look,
This world is a pretty evil place.
Even if
some goodness does shine through once in a while
Satisfaction and happiness don't last.
And it's not true that
It's all in the mind and heart
True happiness can be obtained
Only if one's surroundings are good
it's not true that good exists
I'm sure you can agree that
The reality
My attitude
It's all beyond my control
And you'll never in a million years hear me say that
Today was a good day.
Now read from top to bottom for a different perspective...
So hope you can see that anything can become a good day to what is happening,if this help.....I don't know what can show you that can make your day from a sad day to a good day.BUT HEY, it's on you not saying this gotta cheer you up.
Juan M.
(days go by so quick......)
All In My Mind...
Don 't know if you every got that feeling, I know I did, that life never changes and when one thing changes it just gets you back. I've seeen it happen a lot, when I say a lot I mean A LOT, but it goes over and over in my mind," Will anything change, will anything just be like how it was before, or even if your life will change from all your troubles im having or even my friends are having," and it just.......looks doesn't change at all.But with a new year, lots of events are starting to build up in my life and maybe in others that can build up lots of problems....and it's all going in me, even making me thing, nothing will change....Thank you for reading my first post.I might post more depending on the time I am able to post more...time will tell.....
Jan.15 2017
My first post
- JuanMander27
Putting Them First
I don't think my friends fully know because I don't fully show it but they are what keep me alive.On multiple occasion i've thought of ending it all.I recall one time when I was holding the knife to myself ready to commit but I didn't because I had a goal.All I wanted in my life was for my friends to be happy and healthy.I know that my friends are not happy so I do what's in my power to successfully cheer them up.Multiple times I fail to do such because my own problems get in the way and change my behavior and attitude.When I fail to make someone happy and do the opposite I go home and cry.I act like it doesn't affect me but to see the face of one I care for be so sad really breaks my heart.It's my goal to put my friends first.They are my number one.They are my family.I put their happiness first.I could care less if I have suicidal thoughts.I could care less if I go home and cry myself to sleep everyday.I just care that my friends don't feel the same.My friends keep me alive so I try my best to keep them alive as well.
It hurts to know what the people I care for are going through.Others don't understand what they are going through and just succeed in making them feel even worse.Even people with good intentions can upset them because they are in reality so sensitive.They don't show their emotions because they hide it behind a fraudulent smile so people think they are okay.They are not okay but no one understands them.They are insecure.They are dejected.They are misunderstood.It hurts to see the hints of depression from my friends.They post multiple heartbreaking post on social media or they make jokes about how their life sucks but theyr'e not jokes.They hide their feelings behind a joke or smile so that other wouldn't mock them or look at them differently.It hurts to know that everyday my friends live in fear,insecurity,and sadness but still able to go out in public and pretend to be happy.I love my friends and I give them my upmost appreciation and respect.I don't fully understand my friends and they might think the same but i'm willing to do everything in my power to keep them safe.I'm going through my own battles and I believe that at least I know a thing or two.What hurts me the most is how the people I would take a bullet for think about suicide.Iv'e been through such situations and still am so I feel like I have some sort of knowledge.Then again I don't have the same thoughts as the ones I care about but I do my best to keep them safe and cared for.I love my friends and I would die for them.I'm not afraid of death.I'm not afraid of my well being.I'm afraid for the health of the ones i care for.I love them.
Is It All a Dream
Do I Have A Life ? Is This Life A Dream Or Am I Actually Living This Life ? Am I Alive At This Moment Or Am I Just A Dreaming Mess ? Well We Will See In My "Life" Just Kidding! I Am Happy That I Have All The Friends I Have Today I Don't Know Where I Would Be Without Them. I Love Them All. Even Though Some Of Them Will End Up Making Me Sad -_- Thanks For Being Who You Guys Are. I Love You All.
Wake Up
People refuse to wake up these days
They rather live in a world thatʼs isnʼt real instead of making it real
Thereʼs a difference though
People who dream and refuse to tell them self itʼs a dream and that itʼs real, are the forgotten, people who want to get in comas and people who refuse to wake
Thereʼs a difference though
There are people who refuse to wake up because there in the dream, learning and using it not abusing it
People refuse to wake up
They choose not to wake up and see reality
They choose to live in fantasy
Why should I call them people when living in a place that isn't real is not human?