Inappropriate Limericks Ahead
Stoned In Public
They said I can't wash my dick out in public
But I decided to say ‘Oh well, fuck it’
Knew I was stoned off my ass
From smoking too much grass
When I asked the cop ‘Would you like a hit?’
Hairy Mary and Her Son Larry
Mary had one hairy puss
But the doctors still told her to push
They all could have sworn
When Larry was born
He'd never make it outta that bush
Dropping Balls
He acts like a big fucking pussy
With a cunt full of hair that is bushy
One day he'll grow balls
As big as Ru Paul's
Guess at least they won't sag prematurely
Take It
Take the walls I painted
The ones I've spent countless times
Scrubbing crayon marks off of
The ones I've rearranged
More times than I can count
-New pictures of a family lost
-Dusty drawings from the kids
The kids I raised inside these walls
Take the rocking chair
The one I used to breastfeed
Our son
The one him and I
Would play peek-a-boo behind
Take the gardens
Where I placed gramma's
Most loved ceramics
Take that horse
- (Donkey)
I use to sit on when I was little
The one I've smiled at
Every time I'd catch one of our kids on
Take the kitchen table
Soaked in tears and frustration
Induced by 4th grade math
And my lack of math skills
Take my home
Take my dogs
Take that cat that's cuddled me
More times than your arms ever have
Take the bed
The place where sweet nothings
Live, breed, and fester
Where two pillows lie
-One drenched in tears
-The other rests your head
Take my hopes
Take my dreams
Take it all
But in the meantime-
I'll be the one
Who's keeping me
Happy Birthday Brewski
Over eight months ago
I finally found fate
When I met this woman
Not a second too late
Someone in which
I can truly relate
And one that I most
My rock that I know
Won't fluctuate
She's always been there
To motivate
With her words and poems
That fascinate
And advice that helps
To navigate
When my life has left
Me desolate
For her -
I would not hesitate
To strangulate
Or assassinate
I mean it people,
She's really that great!
Now before you start
To speculate
-Ruminate and
Let me be the first
Setting things straight
Our bond won't ever
-Or depreciate
I assure you
I don't exaggerate
When I say she is my
Non-lesbian soulmate
(Pssst...that means we
Do NOT copulate)
**Happy Birthday Sammie! Love you sweetie! Xoxo
Blind But Now I See
You finally did it
That veil you threw over my eyes
The one that blinded me
Kept me from seeing the real you
You finally tore it off
At first my eyes couldn't adjust
My heart-
My brain-
Battling for comprehension
Of what my eyes strained to see
Every aspect of your façade
Began to slowly fall away
Piece by piece it fell
As my eyes adjusted better
My brain
Won so many battles
That my heart hushed to a whisper
Finally silenced with
The last piece to fall away
That exposed you
The real you
The you you fail to see
Unobscured from my eyes
I have finally seen the light
Blind but now I see
Torn Between Two Worlds
Do me a favor?
Stay gone awhile longer
Don’t rush right back
There’s more sights to see
So don't start to pack
Just a few more days?
Can you spare me that?
For I know when you return
So will that ache in my chest
How long will I wait?
For a chance just to chat?
A couple days? Weeks?
I can't handle that!
Back to your life –
Where I don't belong
Ignore how that feels?
I'm just not that strong
Please stay a bit longer?
Won't you let me pretend?
Since she's not there with you
It's my life that you're in?
Soon to be but a ghost
I accept I won't win
A heart –undisclosed
But with you I can't seem to
Grasp self control
So one last time I will ask
Won't you please stay away?
Doesn't have to be long
A few more smiles from your texts
It'd be worth just one more day
Why’d You Have To Wear Green?
Today would be hard
Knew it right from the start
I hadn't seen you
Since it all fell apart
Instead of primping my hair
I was prepping my heart
"Remember the pain
The hurt when he left
How falling for him
Left you feeling bereft
He ran with your heart
And got away with his theft"
Ready to face you
It was time to convene
What happened next
I could've never foreseen
Stepping out of the truck
You were dressed all in green
The strength I had built
It just couldn't stay
With the sight of you there
Taking my breath away
Who knew that a color
Could ruin this day
The hue of your sweater
Made your eyes shine
Brought back all the times
They would stare into mine
The feelings that stirred
No words could define
With matching hat on
You looked like a dream
Stealing my strength
I knew I'd never redeem
All I wanted to say was
Why'd you have to wear green?
Chaos -My Other Half
Chaos thunders through my mind
Creeping, wispy storm clouds
Form cobwebs over my rational thinking
Reason becomes but a fly
Trapped in cotton-soft death
Awaiting the panic and fear to devour it
-With reason consumed
Anxiety and chaos reign supreme
Chaos drenches my soul
Torrential, relentless downpours
Flood my entire being with unease
Rest becomes but dry land
Never to be more than clay filled mire
-Waiting, quiet quicksand
To swallow my heart
And drown me in despair
Chaos -My other half
Tears Fell Down The Rocking Chair
Rocking with her newborn boy
Overwhelmed with so much joy
Stroking through his thick black hair
That night-
Tears fell down the rocking chair
Bouncing to quell his piercing cry
His fever climbing way too high
Drowning in her own despair
That night-
Tears fell down the rocking chair
Walking and talking –on the go
She asks for kisses, but he says no
Tired-eyed, he crawls up with his bear
That night-
Tears fell down the rocking chair
Too big to rock –a chair to put away
She rocked herself once more that day
Reminiscing -moments to share
That night-
Tears fell down the rocking chair
Out of storage –time to move on
A new journey for them to set upon
Trying to rock away, what she couldn't repair
That night-
Tears fell down the rocking chair
A New Hobby
It was Friday night and I had turned way too much water into wine. Inebriated and bored out of my mind, I had decided it was time for me to pick up a new hobby. My current hobby was becoming too redundant and mundane –walking on water lost its excitement with no one there to witness it.
That's it! I knew right then what my new hobby would be. I could create a group of followers to astonish with my water-walking skills!
Walking to the nearest moistened soil, I was giddy. I couldn't wait to create the first people to become my followers. Scooping up the soil, damp from stagnant water leaching from the nearby cesspool (don't ask, I was high when I created dry land and water, and I hadn't gotten around to fixing that little error yet) I began to mold the foul-smelling muck into a man-shaped form. I'll admit it was a sloppy job, but considering my wine-induced double vision is the reason Adam had two feet to stand on, I think we can look past the sloppiness.
I decided on the name Adam, which most of you already know, but what most don't know is, his last name is Miracle. A-Dam-Miracle. Haha!
Man I was drunk.
Anyways, I realized if I made a woman to pair with Adam, they could procreate my followers for me, and I could begin a new hobby –sword swallowing always intrigued me.
Ripping out a rib from Adam seemed an appropriate way to create his counterpart. I’m not sure why, but I'm pretty sure I was thinking about the barbecue ribs I had for supper the night before.
Eh, either way, Eve never asked me why I chose his rib, so thank fuck for that!
Eve is actually just a nickname I gave her. Her real names Even. Even Steven. Wine brings out a sick sense of humor –don’t judge me.
When I had realized that Adam and Eve were not procreating my followers for me, I attempted to “set the mood” by creating the moon and the stars to pepper the heavens in romantic lighting. But to accomplish this, I had to make the sun go away for part of the day, so the moon and stars could shine brighter. Aha! Dark and light!
The first night that the moon and stars came out, procreation began and it wasn't long before I had myself quite the audience. Everyone bowed to my water-walking skills, and I couldn't be happier than when I'd hear the “oohs” and “ahhs” of the crowd.
Before long, I became bored again, and quite frankly, Adam was getting on my nerves. Eve too. Adam couldn't stop begging to eat the stupid fruit I marked as inedible (Should've stuck to wine that night, whiskey makes me a bit of a control freak) and Eve apparently wanted to procreate with me, which I wanted no part of. I mean, wasn't that the purpose of creating them both? So I wouldn't have to put in the work?
Fretting over the current frustrations of my creations, I decided I would create something to eliminate them from the beautiful Earth I had made.
I'd need to lubricate my thinking wheels with some rum and Coke before stumbling upon a solution.
Yes! That's it! Flying animals to swoop down and carry these ignorant assholes away! So I took a long, hard swig of rum, straight from the bottle, and spat it into the air. Before my very eyes, an eagle had formed; such a big, strong looking creature. I instructed it to find the people, grip them with its talons, and carry them off as far away from me as possible.
The eagle flew the opposite direction, so I continued spitting rum in the air, making an entire fleet of all different species of winged animals. None of them heeded my instructions.
Pissed off and hungover the following morning, I was burning with the need for revenge. The winged creatures failed me terribly. I had to eradicate them, too.
I know! I'll make land animals, big ass wild cats, alligators, grizzly bears; oh the plethora of predators I had planned!
I had made two of everything and just finished the last pair of elephants, when one of the grizzly bears released a ferocious attack on me, nearly mauling me to death. Frankly, I'll admit it ok, that bear kicked my ass! I needed a vacation, but what I ended up with was one day of rest.
One. Fucking. Day?
Eh, it's all good I suppose. I created the food chain to get even with every species of the animal kingdom; my Friday night hobby is tuning into shows like “When Nature Attacks” and “Predators of the Wild” –unless it involves bears.
I don't need to get even with the people, they do enough damage to each other without me lifting a finger.
Hahaha! Ignorant shitheads.
Pinned down
Fear emanating
So scared
Hands wrapped around my throat
I'm going to die
Eyes roll back
The world goes black
Did you see?
Life slowly draining from me
Bright light again
Angry eyes
So scared
Fist to lip
Did it really happen?
No pain
Why no pain?
Why am I choking?
Tastes so different
Crimson fountain
Everything's numb
Arms about to break
Can't take his weight
Can't breathe
No pain
Weight lifted
Back to reality
He's disoriented
Glance -phone -keys
Footsteps close behind
No time
Front door
Too far
Bathroom! -lock
Hinges move
Wood splinters and breaks
Matter of time
God help me
I'm going to die here
In a goddamn bathroom!
Heather -God -someone
He's in
Clutching me
Feet no longer on the floor
Body crumples
Crumpled again
Pray for salvation
Life flashes
Mom -dad -gramma
Say my goodbyes
What's this?
He's disoriented again
Car -escape
Engine starts
Where do I go?
Phone rings
Shadow of a shotgun
Accept my fate
I stand alone
Such peace
Left standing
Dead inside