The Emerald challenge
Write the first chapter of your autobiography. If you already have it written, that's just fine: Post it. Thinly veiled fiction? Also just fine. Gritty and pure fiction to make us gush, well, that's fine, too. It's your story, but we want it. We also look forward to giving back to our current subscribers, and getting to know our new ones. Winner is based on likes.
Ended December 15, 2024 • 3 Entries • Created by Prose
Challenge of the Week CCXXIX
Write a short piece about a narrow escape. Story or poem. 25 big, fat bucks to the winner. Go.
Ended June 28, 2023 • 36 Entries • Created by Prose
Challenge of the Week CCXXVIII
This week, post a poem of that isn't necessarily your favorite, but it's a favorite of those who read you. Winner is decided by likes and us. As usual, 25 bucks is paid to the winner. Go.
Ended June 22, 2023 • 71 Entries • Created by Prose
Challenge of the Week CCXXVII
"He was such a quiet man," comes from TheWolfeDen, and will be judged by the creator, H1, and Ferryman. Here it comes: After a long day of work, you pull into your driveway to find that odd neighbor of yours being hauled away in handcuffs, accused of a particularly heinous crime. The other residents stand in the street, commenting on their surprise. But not you. You knew something was off this whole time. What gave it away? Any tone, any format. Winner gets $25 dollars. Go.
Ended June 14, 2023 • 28 Entries • Created by Prose
Challenge of the Month XL
Above the body after death: Something all of us have heard or read about, or seen in documentaries or on film. Across human history, there has been one outlier that purely represents any given emotionally tied flashback that someone would have seen before dying: Good, bad, heartbreak, excitement, betrayal, or love that was not able to see itself through, and many more. Write a story or poem about this, the extreme outliers, both what they're flashing back to, and why they're about to die. Winning piece of ethereal lift and float gets the $100. Go.
Ended July 2, 2023 • 58 Entries • Created by Prose
Challenge of the Week CCXXVI
You wake up in what looks to be a barn, sore & confused. You remember scattered details leading up to this moment, vaguely.
What you do remember is seeing your (newly- married) mother or father’s significant other approach the vehicle that you were thrown into, as you were blind folded & injected with something that instantly put you to sleep. Panicking, you have no idea if your Mother/ father is facing the same fate. Now what?
How did you escape?
What was the significant other’s involvement & reason behind their actions? Is this driven by a serious motive in their eyes or are they just psychotic & doing it for the thrill?
Happy ending, tragic ending or everything in between… the choice is yours.
The more detail, the better!
Short stories, please.
Let’s see what everyone comes up with… And go!
Prose. will stuff $25 in the digital pocket of the winner. Challenge idea is from Amanda B. Jaworski. Thanks, Amanda!
Ended June 4, 2023 • 17 Entries • Created by Prose
Challenge of the Week CCXXV
You're on the wrong end of a chrome .45 with a pearl grip. Write a story or poem about what put you there, and which end of the chrome you're on. End the story with the last words you will either say to the other, or the last words you will ever hear. A big, fat $25 is at stake. Winner is decided by likes. Go.
Ended May 28, 2023 • 39 Entries • Created by Prose
Challenge of the Week CCXXIV
You've checked out, had enough, are unplugging for a year, and heading off into a nice place in the woods with enough supplies to write the novel you've always wanted to, and to be alone. You've decided to email yourself a paragraph to copy/paste for all the texts you're about to send to your people before you drive off. What do you say? 25 dollars to the top recluse. Winner will be judged by likes.
Ended May 21, 2023 • 50 Entries • Created by Prose
Challenge of the Month XXXIX
Write a short poem about your own private Hell. The tortured who reigns gets 100 big ones. Winner will be picked by Prose. Go.
Ended June 1, 2023 • 148 Entries • Created by Prose
Challenge of the Week CCXXIII
Write a story about the most unsavory job you've had. Get dirty, get mean... Winner is decided by likes, and a cool 25 bucks is on the line. Go...
Ended May 8, 2023 • 30 Entries • Created by Prose
Challenge of the Week XXXIX
You took your smartphone and moved back to 1984. For the sake of the plot, your phone works perfectly, but a condition of your year-long relocation in time is no one can see it, or know about it. You are to report back to 2023 the contrasts: With people, music, overall humanity, anything. Send texts, pics, videos, undetected. The elite group with whom you work has cracked the code of time travel and intervention, and while the race to colonize Mars rages on, your group has decided to instead go back to 1984 to reset the world, so to speak. Before that power leaves a seamless, yet indelible mark on the future, the group has to decide if it's for the better, or to go ahead and let it all run the course it's on, and start looking skyward for continuation. Make it funny, make it deep, make it dark, make it yours. Entry with the most likes takes the $25 wire. Go.
Ended May 2, 2023 • 22 Entries • Created by Prose
Challenge of the Week
Alright, you brilliant beasts. To kick off the first $25 Weekly Challenge, we're keeping it easy and exact. Suuuure..... Most of us have been in this spot, asked the question, so we'll frame a setting. Here goes. You're on a first date with a person you met online. There's attraction there, but you're still trying to figure out if the chemistry is physical AND mental. The person across the table asks you what kind of writing you do, and when you give them a genre, they say, in one way or another, "Describe your writing to me." This week's challenge is to answer that question here. The winner will be decided by likes on this one.
Ended April 24, 2023 • 78 Entries • Created by Prose
Challenge of the Month XXXVIII
Alright, you beautiful maniacs: Pick a writer on Prose. with whom to collaborate on a short story. The winning badasses will receive $100 each to their PayPal or Venmo or whatever they use. No rules, just write it. The winners will be decided by the most likes this time around: ...and....GO.
Ended May 10, 2023 • 28 Entries • Created by Prose
Challenge of the Month XXXVII
Give us one page of a book, story, or poem of yours. If it's a poem, it can be up to two pages. We don't care if it's already something you posted. For the big, fat $100, put up your picked page or poem. Winner will be chosen by Prose.
Ended April 10, 2023 • 269 Entries • Created by Prose
Challenge of the Month XXXVI
Get Back in Time: This one is from our CEO, and while it poses a question we've all pondered, make your story YOURS. Death, destruction, or, the preservation of life, or something really far out there and bizarre, funny, or anything. Alright: You get ONE opportunity to go back in time and change history. Where/When do you go, and what do you do? CEO's pick gets a clean, crsip Franklin. Bring it.
Ended March 8, 2023 • 33 Entries • Created by Prose
Weekly Challenge!
You’ve traveled back in time to the dawn of man, just to find a futuristic world of teleportation as travel, flying vehicles, and zero disease. But your job is to end the world, while you try to understand why it’s important.
Weekly Challenge!
Write a theme about how text language is impacting our emotional process of communication.
Ended January 15, 2023 • 1 Entry • Created by Prose in Philosophy
Weekly Challenge!
Write a piece about travel deep into Mexico, and the contrast to your own country. If you live in Mexico, write a piece about traveling into deep Texas, and the contrast to your home.
Ended January 15, 2023 • 1 Entry • Created by Prose in Nonfiction