hands / wrists / teeth
i. hands
faux bones, the simmering touch
glazed fingertips and how intimate
burying the memorabilia of your
lover is;
pale moonlight, pale breathless
words, pale serene gazes.
ii. wrists
rose oil and peppermint on the
sleek joint, rounded edges
the kind that breaks glass
ceilings, and houses ghostly
whispers of the old days,
day breaks, heartaches.
iii. teeth
crook of the mouth; leaden
tongue, would you presume
to cease the crass bullet words?
pearl sheen in opulent crevices
lips of a monarch. there nothing
more deserving than death
for those who stay s i l e n t
in times of moral
#poetry #poem #poet #sadness #sorrow #madness #depression
the city
and the whimsical ghosts worming homes
into tar and crisscrossing steel wires; jousts
of fanfare and tongue-in-the-cheek tradition
perching in the citizen's stomachs(?)
kidney stones(?)
my fair lady of the night, phantom trysts do
not suffice; grand canyons in vacant skulls
and how the whispers of an old lover lacerate
doldrums that stroke frail apartments. beer
bellies, beer bellies, beer bellies, are adamant
and true. shove this blasphemy down your
this city—
has butterflies pinned to peeling walls
has notarized glass slippers
has tongues licking brains
has wordless mouths
has nothing.
#poetry #poem #poet #writer #writingcommunity #literature #bibliophile #city #sadness #sorrow #japan #dubai
weeks before the tsunami coiled around japan’s lungs,
the skies in dubai changed. february always seduced
fat clouds in the middle-eastern spring; the kind that
reminded you of cotton candy and glazed croissants.
but that year, the clouds were galloping. virgin gusts
of godly breath, they resembled snow angels torn to
shreds. it was enough beauty to bring a grown man
to his pagan knees. but i? i knew. i knew something
was horribly wrong, that something was going to
change forever.
anarchy. the kind that kept children shivering for
weeks under thickets of decomposing sakura. the
kind that birthed and buried mangled human limbs
in baptist compost pits. the kind that noah renounced
hundred years of his life to build an ark for.
the kind that spawned slick turmoil in its wake,
and changed the skies of a land millions of
miles away.
#poet #poetry #poems #sadness #depression #napowrimo #tsunami #japan #earthquake
moon moon moon
midnight waltz
did you peep through
pastel flower
amused glances at the
innocent chests drowning
in sleep
did you look at me?
three decades too early
for a memorial service.
i was far too intimate
with throat-shredding
the kind that sings to you
passive apathy parties
cratered guests, you had
a way with the gifts, sneaky
solemn slithering
#poem #poetry #napowrimo #escapril #moon #moonlight #sadness #depression
error 404: hometown not found
birds chirping in hindi, voices laced with nectar, & i, a babbling instrument of baby fat & midnight tears. ahmedabad was unequivocally alluring; eruptions of gulmohar trees shedding golden blossoms on the pastel green masjid, the unabandoned comfort in watching my grandfather read his newspaper in the courtyard, crossed-legged, snowy santa beard. what a pity, what a misery that lovely, lovely place really was.
birds chirping in arabic, heat waves cascading like throbbing streams of blood, & i, a tiny towering stack of lies & inflamed fury. dubai was a dream that slithered between my immigrant fingers, postcards of glassy buildings & the finery i knew i could never seduce. there is an odd solace in accepting your lot in life; monumental agony, crumbling thrones, & how i fancied myself to be ozymandias.
#poetry #poem #poet #story #writing #writer #sadness #sorrow #depression #identity #identitycrisis
react / ion
god, how i pined for the rain;
how i wrote anthologies of desecration,
my hometown cracked like a skull split into
incomprehensible splinters. the glass cries tears
of beguiling gold; if only i had bewitched the
carnal golden sands into staying. if only
the anatomy of me had forgiven the frayed
strands of nothingness crooning from
hot-wired eulogies. i wanted solace,
no matter how vicious, how volatile, how
chest-numbingly tranquil.
no matter how
#poem #poetry #poet #writer #writers #escapril #loneliness #lonely #alone #sad #sorrow #depression
the view from up here
you are an infestation between the legs,
laborious spittle & flailing limbs.
sonnets would diminish the soothe &
the ache of a man like you, olive skins &
pits & locked jaws of faux amour fou.
you softened the concrete edges of my
brain, adonis at my bedpost.
you are an infestation between the legs,
wailing water of the womb, i scrutinized
the grainy hospital photograph; you,
crushed clump of clotted cells & blood,
love child born of lust, could i smother
your dainty silver chest gasping for
breath? did you want me to love you?
did you want to live?
#poetry #poem #poet #writer #writing #abortion #birth #mother #escapril
growth / decay
hourglass of my dreams;
infestation and vineyard mysteries
perhaps, if presumptuousness was an illness,
my brain would have collapsed
from faux philosophies
being naive was irreparably lovely,
ceaseless nightmares of burning
civilizations on the precipice of nostalgia,
how lamentable being a little older truly was,
how rotten the corpse of a soul tainted
with poignant mouth-foaming delirium
how, when the moonlight cried itself to sleep,
i had no sorrow
caving into my chest
#poetry #poems #poem #poet #grow #growth #decay
d a w n
colorless agony/ this heatwave is/ enchanting/
birds overgrown/ a meadow of weeds/ and the sinking of toes/ crushed sand in empty/ colloquial mouths/
are you a stranger/ to the scent of/ doom?/ are you thinking/ of my/ bottomless daybreak/ words?/
god/ i have prayed/ mercilessly/ for a day like this/ to end
#poetry #poem #poet #dawn
children of a lesser god
i dream of nothingness—
visceral tongues pressing into my skin
they say the streets are mean
meatloaf catastrophes
a bag of green, a bag of bones
a world infested with
intravenous sleep and pocket change
i have made love to diseases
camping in my chest
overstaying their welcome in
this pigsty of rats
they say we live in godless times
filth encasing pretty pavements
perhaps i like my crispy crystals
far too much
they kiss the enamel of my teeth
the caverns of my nose
the blood of my streams
exhaustion settles in my bones
weary, weary me
all that glistens is my needle
in this haystack of degenerate limbs
there is no heaven in these ugly skies
no heaven for sinners like us
we, the children of a lesser god
#poetry #poems #poem #poet #drugs #addiction #homelessness #streets #drugaddiction #depression #substanceabuse #abuse