Young teen. With no scruples. She walks with her tail in the air. Her demands are that of a narcissist. You are on her time, when she wants attention she gets it, and whatever she wants she gets. She can’t be ignored or she will claw you. Speaking her language “Get up maid it time to feed me, and clean my litter box, and while you're at it get me some freshwater to drink because I’m parched. As far as my color I’m as black as the hole in outer space. Why should it matter anyway if I was orange you are still my servant to do my biddings. If I see you walking in front of my I will surely cut you off to get ahead of you. I’m first around her up or down the steps I don’t care. If you fall it's on you because you walked in front of me. How dare you sit in my spot when your not looking I will give you a thrashing you won’t forget it will be so fast you will be too slow to even catch me. I’m the Black Queen on my throne so when I see you. I will look into your eyes, rubbed my paws up against you, and now you are mines.
The mind is capable of many things one can say love can drive you mad especially when the pain is deep. When you realize all of the love and time you put into that person took advantage of you. The hell fire that spawned from the inside of me scared me to the point that I had to pray. "Oh how I could have wiped him off the face of this earth with a stroke of a pen. In my mind I have already killed him a thousand times over. Everytime I see his face. I push that delete button to try to get some peace but to no avail their is none. I pray, I meditate, to keep that dark side of me at bay because I know that if she ever takes over me red is all I will see. That one who betrayed me will get hurt while he sleep. "Maybe, I should test the spells and rememdies of old." Using candles with just a touch of hair to caste out the person who has done me wrong. I call on all my Ancestors and Angels. This is a Sprirtual Warefare coming at me in all directions.
Love has no time for fantasy.
Just the truth.
Quarantine or Not
Love has a way of defining what is real.
Years of Old Traditions verses New Traditions
Leaves nothing to be Desired except for wanting more...
A Box of Chocolate's and Expectations.
Thinking Love is your to...
Love is in the Air
For some but not All.
Quarantined heart.
Sufficated with the truth that "Love Don't Live Here Anymore."
The Heart is left to defend for itself by Silence and Death
I ment the young men who was obviously a Whippersnaper who got me to fall in love with him had my mind Discombobulated in which I felt he Bamboozled my heart. I was Flabbergasted knowing the Nincompoop was full of Shenanigans and Lollygaged about our love. Which caused Malarkey in the situation and Whatnot. To my standards was just plain Poppycock. Whatsit gonna be some kind of Doohickeyor a Whatchama callit. I thought about it for a Cattywampus point of view. It wouldn't give me the type of Brouhaha I was looking for. His Persnickety behavior just caused even more damage to our relationship. All the Flibbertigibbet in the world wouldn't make me change my mind. Even when I told him to Skedaddle he created a Kerfuffle to show off his might. Gobsmacked and full of Tenterhooks I sobbed. This Dingleberry of a man was Flummoxed by my tears of joy that I no longer needed his love, It was above his intelligence: a Gobbledygook man that a woman of my stature would continue to put up with his Codswallop ways of thinking using Pumpernickel as collateral to Canoodle my love.
I wink at all the decisions I have made. Time waits for no one they say. I gaze at an open window. Seasons have changed but not my love and admiration for you. The ticks and the tocks of your broken hands as it caresses’ my soul to rest.
Soft metaphors slips from my lips just seconds before you unwind me. Altered times of whimsical bliss and within minutes my body starts to quivers for more. My heart stops. I know it’s about that time when I kiss your face goodnight.
What if...
All of the PEOPLE around the WORLD turned ONE COLOR for a day or two. What kind of excuses would they use? If we all turned "GREY." There would be no boxes to check. No PRIVILEGES to behold. No Black or White or Mixed. The only SKIN that you will be in is YOURS.
"GREY!" For a day or two. The only DIFFERENCE would be the Color of our EYES and the DIFFERENCE in our HAIR but all of us would still be "GREY." Neither Light or Dark just "GREY" for a day or two. Will all the people around the WORLD be in an UPROAR ? or Will they be COMFORTABLE being in the SKIN that we are in for a day or two? If so, that would be "GREYT." Then there would be PEACE all around the WORLD just for a day or two.