the moon doesn’t tell you
the moon doesn't tell you to hide under a blanket
so that the monster doesn't grab your feet
after the night has dissolved to every corner of the sky
you look at the crescent wide awake among lies
roots crawl up your toes, caressing your knees,
you see it climb up parallel to your ribcage, all-around your neck
the moon doesn't stop you from worrying
because anxiety is moonlight reflecting in every part of your body
you are scared to turn off the lights because monster under your bed will crawl
you will gasp for breath but you might as well drown
because the moon doesn't tell you to forget all it implied.
where I am from
the sand turned brown when the sun cursed it again,
I am not a curse, I am not fire full of desire,
I am burning hope born on sand molded to brown soil,
I am not a victim of change, I am the creator of change the change,
I was always divided,
into lands, languages, culture, timezones, don’t get me started,
conflict is my sibling, unwilling to agree to a point,
I was brought up rocking on a cradle called diversity,
my home is not where I come from but where my mind wanders on afternoon walks, trying to run away to from it,
but I am profanity, desolated from the world, I am where I belong, I am my own home unwilling to accept myself
Bad kind of butterflies
Bad kind of butterflies
Burning the pit of my stomach
Bad kind of butterflies
Blood all over my hands
Bad kind of butterflies
Burying what I have got to hide
Bad kind of butterflies
Backbone crushing with the load
Bad kind of butterflies
Because I killed myself for you
Inspiration- Alec Benjamin’s song I killed someone for you, Camila Cabello’s song Bad kind of butterflies
Jasmine Higgins prompts