Well, here we go...
Okay, so I'm going to own an Elephant Sanctuary, with at least 15 rescued elephants in it from circuses and/or bad zoos.
I'm going to live in a big house. My bedroom is going to be forest-themed. My bathroom is going to be ocean-themed. My kitchen is going to be autumn-themed. My living room, winter-themed. On the very top floor is going to be a small attic, where I write best-selling books.
I'm going to be married and have two daughters.
I'm going to have cats, not dogs, so they don't scare the elephants.
Did I mention that I am going to be an author?
Hopefully I can live by a mountain, so I can ski a lot...
I'm going to travel to distant countries a bunch before I get the elephant sanctuary.
Well, there's my impossible dream. Enjoy laughing over it.
Making Change
I dream their will be understanding of especially mental illness and the elderly. I see the abandoned mentally ill and Alzheimer's diseased being left in emergency rooms abandoned by their loved ones or families. They then get put in a mental health unit where some will live out their life , some will be put in temporary shelter then streeted only to return to the hospital. No place in our society for these special people..yes I say special because there was a before..the dementia/Alzheimer's were once a productive contributing part of society and our mentally ill can still be productive..Some are brilliant and talented..if only you knew. But alas the circle continues with a stopping place in what some may say a Psycho unit.. My simple dream..Living arrangements with speciality help for all..A dream that will stay...A dream...
My dream?
Do I have one?
Pacing these floors
wanting more
but not sure what it is.
Do I want to be successful?
Not at the upmost importance.
Do I want to be famous?
Perhaps at one time I did but now I'd rather sit back and be happy.
I'm not really sure what my dream is. Honestly I just want to do what I love and be with those I love without feeling fear or embarrassment. Without feeling like no one wants me or cares.
I think my dream is to achieve simplicity without loosing too much.
Absurd and impossible, isn't it?
I want to understand our universe. I want to know what's happening at a quantum level. I want to know complicated equations which explain string theory. I want to know what all in the cosmos I'm missing out on. I want to know what Earth was like as an infant. I want to know how evolution happened. I want to know the history of humans. I want to know how languages work. I want to know why our lives are the way they are. I want to know art. I want to know what makes us humans connected to each other. I want to know the stories of the trillions of people that have lived and are living and will live. I want to know why love is so powerful. I want to know the world's religions. I want to know all that I can.
Stuff and Nonsense
How can a person have just one dream? I picture an Italian nonna, apron on, bowl in hand, shuffling through the Great Hall of my mind, stealing poignant parts from a million ideas to throw into her greedy sausage machine, in the effort to produce the perfect dream. Dicing up my vacation to the ruins of Machu Picchu. Grinding the Costa Rican treehouse community I long to one day reside in. Compressing into mush my nomadic retirement plan of selling everything, simplifying and living aboard a boat. These and a thousand more, mingled and ground to nothing. Forced to the point of suffocation into a pig's intestine, in an attempt to turn my many passionate dreams into one, delectable, condensed piece of succulence.
No, I have far too many dreams to type into a quick paragraph of Prose. I'll keep my dreams, thank you. You can keep your sausage.