Whims are funny things, but sometimes when chasing rainbows you do find gold at the end. I was flipping through those whom I follow, and who follow me, searching for someone whose work I thought I might find interesting enough to delve into, when I noticed a profile picture of a library in Prague that I believe I have actually visited (see photo above). This was how I chose SadieBug’s works to explore. I soon discovered that fortune, once more, shone like the sun down upon me.
Being pretty regular on the site, I know SadieBug’s username, of course. And I know I have read interesting pieces by her, because I only follow those who pique my curiousity. We have had some inconsequential interactions, shared “likes” and what-not, but I did not know her writings. Being honest, my expectations were somewhat low. What I found, however, lifted my spirits, and my ever-souring opinion of today’s youth.
The writing I found is immaculate, with zero noticed grammatical mistakes (although that might not pass a better editor’s censuring). I mean, not even a spelling error or typo to be found, making me insanely jealous. There is a great diversity of style in her works, highlightling creative storytelling, emotional poetry, thoughtful introspection, and the “show, don’t tell” descriptiveness that all who write strive for.
I feel like I really know who SadieBug is after reading her posts (I hope that doesn’t sound old man creepy”). There was a line in Who Am I? where she states, “I am a girl who lives through lines on a page, never knowing who I truly am.” I can feel that thought through her chosen picture of the library, through her love of “Gone With the Wind,” and from the “bookshelves and scattered volumes that litter the rug in her room (paraphrased).” I have grand-daughters that must be close to SadieBug’s age who, while extremely intelligent, do not read. This saddens me, who am an avid reader, to no end. I read “Gone With The Wind” sometime around Jr. High School, certainly later than 9 years old as SadieBug did, and am excited at the reading possibilities in front of a young lady who is that far ahead of most readers.
I started with her very first post and worked my way forward. My favorite piece was Anxiety Says, written a year ago. It is the conversation between an insecure teen and the voice in her head. The honesty it shares is such that I imagine it was difficult to hit “post” when it was completed, but is a breath of fresh air to all who have experienced the same fears, and that would include most of us, I am sure.
I loved Facets of Myself, what I took as being an embarrassing day at the pool. “While I am the girl at the edge of the pool who woke up hating the world, tomorrow I will not hate the world so much, and it is a slight difference, but it matters.”
Ice Cream Flavors is whimsical and delicious.
Dear Strangers highlights a powerful gift for observation and descriptive writing.
There are dozens of great reads here, and I am sure you will enjoy others that I have not mentioned, but you certainly will not be disappointed by giving these a look.
Kudos, @SadieBug... and... write on!