Challenge Ended
Who wrote the Encyclopedia?
Today; It’s You!!
You be funk and I’ll be wagnal and we can travel on an adventure to save a damsel who like a scandal hits those without wits, she can’t tell at all that we have no clue what we are doing. That we are spoofing poor little Miss information And so to get miss. information to her destination we will have no hesitation but also no clue how to get her there cause the map is a stain from coffee spilled on a newspaper page that is from 1967 and is vintage and inaccurate to our current Time.
Write me an excerpt from a fake educational or reference book, a Haynes/chiton manual or a tv guide that is just like one but definitely is not one just show me a 2 pages excerpt or snippet and I look forward to reading your lies!
Actual formatting to look just like your chosen arch-type gets an automatic share comment and like from me!
Ended January 7, 2022 • 0 Entries • Created by Stori