I find myself in words of mirth
waiting out the storms of life as
your lips gleam across whispers
in filtered light from sun’s radiant smile.
Unearthed in interludes of fantasy dreams,
the wildness of the dance of night
winds chains of flowers loosely
through my tangled, silken hair.
Captured in abyss of drenching rain,
I taste you and inhale your heart.
I unmask myself in golden sphere
inflating the painted blue sky,
within the woven music of my life.
I touch the shadows reawakening
the flames of embered fire,
encounter foaming whitecaps
simmering like lips on softest dawn.
I pillow my happiness in billowing love,
find myself hidden in diamond crystals
of brisk mountain breezes,
bask in eternity of unending oceans,
divine myself in abundance of color.