Challenge Ended
The First Love - Now typically in writing, the 'first love' is usually a significant other. A man or woman in your life that truly stole your heart, for better or worse. This challenge is to describe your first love, but not in the way you may think. I want you to get creative. You can write about the common love of another, or maybe describe your love for your first pet, or maybe a family member and your love for who they are. Make your own path, and follow someone else's footsteps. The writing is up to you.
Now typically in writing, the 'first love' is usually a significant other. A man or woman in your life that truly stole your heart, for better or worse. This challenge is to describe your first love, but not in the way you may think. I want you to get creative. You can write about the common love of another, or maybe describe your love for your first pet, or maybe a family member and your love for who they are. Make your own path, and follow someone else's footsteps. The writing is up to you.
Ended June 16, 2017 • 1 Entry • Created by Skyriter1