Woollen hugs
Green moss clad bark glistens
on dark cool branches
beneath the weight of a
myriad of colours
oranges, russets,
umbers, merigold
reds and pinks
decorate the canopy
Rosy cheeks atop newly knitted scarves
sniffling through visible breaths
from chilled lungs nestled in their layers
bonfires and woodburners fill the air
with rich smokes and a poky tang
crows caw through crisp mornings,
lending their raspy soundtrack
to crunching footsteps and panting dogs
Pumpkins grin maniacally from doorsteps,
candles giving life to cartoon evil eyes
as excited little monsters and ghosts hunt
sweets or deliver empty threats of tricks or treats
williwaws and thunderstorms
sheeted rain and dark velvety early nights
swaddle the earth earlier and earlier
prompting the cyclic utterance of
ooh, aren’t the nights drawing in
And now, as winter creeps toward us
ready to envelop us all in its icy grip
we hide beneath toasty blankets
getting fat
idling away the lamplit cozy hours
smiling as we adventure
through worlds of words
in musty books
The enemy of summer
close cousin of winter
holding open the door
for nature’s death
before reincarnation stirs
dull roots with spring rain
once again
laying slain the wasted land.
Written in a prison library at our creative writing workshop. We all had to describe Autumn without actually naming it. This is my offering. Yes, there's a nod to TS Eliot.