You see, the thing about time is that it goes by in flashes, in the little moments that we only want to see. We see beauty, light, love and even the darkness only how we want to see it. As time gets vaster or more distant we learn to see the total truth in the moments that we had experienced. Some moments that still hold their value and time has proven they're genuine by remaining true, still showing the beauty in love and light each time they make a reappearance. These moments of truth still bring joy in the memories I have, it feels good. Even though the vastness of time has shown me that a moment was fake, even though this flash was darkness and that I so wanted to see it as real. I'm thankful for both. Time is the true test of a moments authenticity and the sincerity of that particular flash. I'm thankful both for the truth and the realization of its purpose, even though it was disingenuous.