tribute to alexandra fuller
you are a miracle.
I mean think about it,
Your mom carried you around in her stomach
for nine months and then pushed
for hours until finally
you came into the world.
You are a miracle.
But somehow as years went by you forgot that.
You let the boys who turned you down,
The girls who picked you up
Just to push you down again
Get to you.
You let the clothes that didn’t fit
The parties you weren’t invited to
And the memories you weren’t a part of
Get to you.
You let your anxiety flip you inside out
And force the words you so badly want to say
Back down your throat.
You choke back the tears
Because heaven forbid you show some human emotions.
Because society tells you crying in public is weak.
Because society tells you having emotions is weak.
Because society tells you, you are weak.
They force these thoughts into the room that is your brain
And then plaster over the doors and windows
So they have no other choice but to stay
And these thoughts, they change you.
They rob you of confidence and cripple you
They make you believe them.
And that is the most tragic part
Because once you believe them
The plaster crumbles and the doors spring open
But the thoughts have made a home in your head,
And you have provided them the attention they need to stay.
And you have forgotten:
You are a miracle.