Feel That?
About a year ago, after seeing every manner of garbage on the internet – news sensationalized to make the reader angry or afraid, divisive political rants that created firestorms of arguments between “friends” on (anti)social media, photos that should never see the light of day - I began to wonder if humanity has begun a devolution into something so angry and hostile and hardened, that its sucking every last drop of joy from of our collective consciousness. That’s when I decided to write and publish a blog. And I set some very strict rules for myself: nothing controversial, no religion, and no politics. I wanted to create a safe place for people to recharge their senses of humor and normalcy. Generally, I try to offer my readers some good old-fashioned comedy, but occasionally, I will try to touch their softer side by adding a bit of nostalgia or just a dash of sentiment (never too much!). And some complain, “I laughed, but you also made me cry!” That’s when I know I’ve done a good job. Softening their hearts to feel some tender emotions, that’s why I write.