An empty box
My most prized possession does not exist
For my material possessions won´t be missed
I could leave my house with nothing tomorrow
Without feeling any sorrow
I have no bond or connection to anything that´s not alive
I only need to know my family is happy to survive
My belongings are frivolous buys
They hold no special ties
All I need is a food and a bed
That is enough to fill my heart and my head
Now if you were to ask me what I hold most dear
I could tell you my loved ones are whom I revere
© M.Withers/M.Strudwick . All rights reserved.
Both the name The EriduSerpent/EriduSerpent
and any written material is owned solely by the above named.
Permission granted for all written material to be shared but not for profit.
Printing or publishing is prohibited without seeking permission first from said owner.