Lady Cocaine
When I was at the end of the Line and I could go no further ...and I saw the White Lady she called through the trees. I don't know if she was an Angel of Light or a daemon of Evil Lord you know that "white Bitch" brought me to my knees. When You and Your Beloved both Love also Cocaine , can you truly love each other ? Or is it a threesome not spoken of Each night in bed ? For that Girl lies between you, a pipe of glass Is that more truly your lover ?? Though She Promises all with the first singing kiss that goes to your head .... A feeling of desire never ever felt before... If you've NEVER MET HER TURN HER AWAY... For the WHITE GIRL IS A LIAR AND MORE.... Her promise of elation brings nothing but a twisting in the winds of desire thwarted again and again. While her cruel lips smile and laugh for this is the DEAL: THE LADY COCAINE SHE'S NO LADY AT ALL SHE IS A HARPY AN UGLY SOULED DEMON WHORE!