Prose Challenge of the Week #45: You’re on death row for a crime you didn't commit. Write about it. The winner will be chosen based on a number of criteria, this includes: fire, form, and creative edge. Number of reads, bookmarks, and shares will also be taken into consideration. The winner will receive $100. When sharing to Twitter, please use the hashtag #ProseChallenge
No one can look at me in the eye.
I never got a chance to say goodbye.
No one will listen or talk to me.
What will it take for them to see
that I didn't do what they think.
Somehow I was the only link.
And my family has turned their backs
believing I could target and hack
and bludgeon and torture and kill.
All I can do is count down til
they'll take me away to the room
and strap me down as death looms.
Needle enters my arm, tears roll down my face
and pray someone will find I wasn't a disgrace.