Hey, Couple Beneath Your Lair!
Hey couple beneath your lair, how’s it going? Are you enjoying your secret existence or has it become a curse? You seem to have everything you need, except others to interact with.
You two are safely tucked away from the big, bad, mad crazy world you sought refuge from long ago. Though you thought you would remain hidden only a short time, it seems a few years have passed, but you cannot be sure because your calendar expired and you have no electricity or way to keep time. You enjoy daylight only as it seeps through the cracks in the walls. I guess this hideaway wasn’t as airtight as you thought.
What you wouldn’t give to talk to others, especially family you left behind. By now they think you are long gone, dead or wrote them off. Not having a cell phone, old-fashioned stamps and envelopes, or computer, your communication has been cut off.
You pass time scribbling down your frustrations, writing anything that comes to mind, making lists, reading and re-reading the many books even the bible you brought. You took up knitting blankets for newborns you’ll probably never meet and instead use them to keep yourselves warm, although the temperature never changes much.
You make futile attempts to exercise in the limited space you have. Your efforts are met with resistance and your muscles cramp up. From what you can tell, your skin grew pale from the lack of sun and woeful nutrition from fear of running through your stockpile of food and water. Neglecting to pack a mirror, you wonder what you look like now, have you aged?
You have all the time in the world to pray and meditate, but oddly enough you have not asked God to release you or for help conquering your fear of the outside world. Maybe someday you will get to the bottom of your self-imposed prison, but not today.