Write a formal apology to the body parts you accidentally injure most often or with the greatest intensity. Identify your personal cause of clumsiness, i.e. impatience, shortsightedness, and giddy thrills. This is meant to be lighthearted; please avoid sinister forms of self-harm unless the result is somehow hilarious.
Fingers that Type and Write
Crunch! Slam!
Smack! Bam!
Fingers that type
And write.
That still function
Even through all interruptions.
You still type
And write.
Type and write.
Type and write.
A constant pattern
Of work and all that matters.
I come to you
With sincerity.
Truly and honestly
I apologize.
Even now the pain
Regains its power.
Another door
Another window
Another bruise
And yet It happens again.
I move too fast,
Too clumsily
For my fingers to get free.
Then smash!
They are black and blue.
But still you
Type and write
Type and write...