Look around you...never back
He hurt you I know
I wish I could have stopped it
But you never told us
We had to guess
Had I known before I would have been your shield
I would have been your sword
Your wall to take refuge behind
All you had to do was tell me
You knew I was here
But you wanted to be strong
Live your own life
I understand why
But you know I would have ended him
I would have buried him down deep
Maybe that is why you said nothing
Now your silence has changed you
Nothing is the same
You still live in that moment
It cements you to the past
It is too late to rewrite history
But never too late to turn the page
Look at what you have now
Not what went before
You are blessed but blinded by sadness
Look around at what you could lose
There is light at the end of this tunnel
Stop looking back into the darkness
Unfurl its claws and fight to be free
© M.Withers/M.Strudwick . All rights reserved.
Both the name The EriduSerpent/EriduSerpent
and any written material is owned solely by the above named.
Permission granted for all written material to be shared but not for profit.
Printing or publishing is prohibited without seeking permission first from said owner.