I wish I could explain
why I write words that cause you pain
Mix make believe with what is real
Throw in feelings I no longer feel
Exaggeration is nothing new
Love for someone who isn't you
When I write straight from my heart
How do you tell those ones apart?
Sometimes my pen is my escape
Things I write will make you gape
All my thoughts inside my head
Emotions felt that are long dead
I may expose my soul to bare
It's something that most poets share
We spill our words that turn to art
On open page our mind and heart
The things I scribble are not always
Set in stone for all our days
I wish I could give you a peek
To see what writing does for me
If you dare read what's in my mind
You have to see between the lines
A forgotten fact you seem to fail
How good I am spinning a tale
But tale it is or fantasy
Not all I write is about me
And some things written about you
Were back then, but now aren't true
So use caution in what you choose
to read of mine, and you won't lose.