Best Advice
I was eight. We were in line, my mom and I, waiting for the community pool to open. The sun was not likely to break the hazy morning clouds and a sticky dew blanketed my face and arms. Looking around, itchy, bored and petulant, I had the audacity and poor taste to make fun of a large woman in too small flip flops and bright pink bikini in front of us. Like all things said which should not be said, it was said loudly, callously cutting through the thick air. The woman didn’t turn, but instead huddled herself shoulders to ears, trying to be smaller, trying to unhear. My mother, previously sugar and kisses on all occasions, grabbed my wrist hard (it would later bloom purple bruises from her fingertips), leaned down and whispered quick, spitting admonishments into my already shaking ear.
“The world DOES NOT revolve around YOU! In fact, very few people know you exist or care. I love you and so does your Dad and for that you are lucky. But in the grand scheme of things, you are no more important than that lady and you have no right to make her feel smaller than you. Foster love my dear, not hate. And apologize. NOW!”
It has occurred to me over the years that more people need this advice.