Here's what I, the humble fox have observed of the human condition:
Babies and children ARE the instruction books. They are so simple and funny and free!
But you grown up humans, all you ever want to do is put things in boxes, compartmentalize everyone and label everything to death!
You take great children with awesome spirits and you break them into a million splinters all because certain ones don't fit your perfect programme or your box or they don't look a certain way or slouch to much, or heaven forbid, they may be homeless children!!!!!
And grown up Christians are the worst at compassion! Aren't they supposed to be Christ like? Ha!
This humble Fox has witnessed some of the ugliest behavior by "Christians" yet they want to point fingers at others.
Children don't care bout color, religion, or race.
They don't care who's yo daddy, yo mamma or yo auntie. All they care bout is eating and playing and a safe warm bed.
There's your instruction book that's all you need to know.