Dylan Thomas Swipes Right
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Unrequited lust can be the fiercest fire;
Swipe, swipe my profile to the right.
Surely you understand my raging plight,
What a shame to feed our flames to the pyre;
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Glutting with commonalities: we're both white,
The marble pillar of our intraracial desire.
Swipe, swipe my profile to the right.
My thinly veiled innuendo is too much to fight,
Let us emerge from this lovesick mire;
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Head over and I'll even do some romantic shite
Like recite dead-tongue poetry accompanied by lyre.
Swipe, swipe my profile to the right.
Come on. Nobody wants to pay for a site.
I know of this digital mating dance you tire;
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Swipe, swipe my profile to the right.