We all search for that perfect, enchanting piece; the one we have only ever imagined but told ourselves that somewhere it had to exist…existing solely for you. But each time you gave all of your efforts to finding it, you came up empty-handed or, worst of all, with something that seemed like it, seemed it might fit, something to just settle with because maybe this perfect piece didn't exist. So you'd take what was the closest you'd found and you'd try it on, try it out; force it, even. And it wasn't what you you'd always imagined but you thought, who were you to think what you'd made up in your mind could ever actually exist—hell, if you found it, who's to say it'd some in your size? You tell yourself to stop being selfish and needy and demanding and even if it didn't fit, you decide to get it tailored. Quick stitch and fix. Little do you know, the material couldn't hold—the experienced, old, and wise tailor tells you without shame, "sweetheart, not everything can be tailored, not everything can fit and certainly nothing can be forced to. Sweetheart, you'll find what you're looking for if you'd just stop looking." Then out of what seems like nowhere when you weren't looking, weren't searching, perhaps even neglected the thought of what you'd so desperately rummaged throughout your entire life for, you find it. And it fucking shines. It grabs you as soon as you see it. It asks what took so long and someway, somehow, you've never fit into anything better. That's how loves finds you, that's what love is: serendipity at its truest.