Theorem for the Common Man
Beauty can be boiled down to a symmetrical formula -
that's what I was taught at school.
I forget the exact ratio
and who uncovered it,
but I know it when I see it.
It's in the angle of your cheeks when you smile.
The first colour of the rainbow is dappled across them,
against a snowy backdrop of all seven colours combined.
And seeing that smile on your face sparks
an equal reaction on mine.
No doubt the precise temperature of comfort has also been calculated.
I can't tell you exactly what that temperature is,
but I know it when I feel it against my cheek.
And that warmth radiates through my body,
as if by ... is osmosis the term I'm looking for?
These states of perfection may not bear my name,
and I'm not the only person they have been revealed unto.
I haven't secured a living or immortality by labelling them,
but each day I discover them afresh
I am made all the richer.
Perhaps one of these days someone, perhaps even I,
shall discover the exact force to which I owe my gratitude
that our paths crossed, but until then
my "lucky stars" will have to suffice.