The DARE...How Dare you!
It started out as a dare to write a sentence two hundred and twenty two words in length but turned into a lesson of perseverance, of being long winded, of truly saying nothing while saying everything, all the whilst contemplating why take such a dare to begin with when there must actually be better things to accomplish during that time such as texting, running, walking, reading, cooking, cleaning - heaven forbid, and even writing meaningful non run-on babble yet I couldn't help myself as the gauntlet of a dare was before me, staring at me, taunting me to indeed undertake it, and complete it before the time allotted ran out and all attempted was just a fleeting notion and wasted effort toward apparently an unattainable goal due to a lack of focus on my part contributing to the guilt of not completing this or any other task or chore which stood before me during that time in which the dare was attempted leading to an utter collapse in self confidence and spiraling into a state of procrastination and possibly progressing to an ice cream and cake eating binge to which I am honestly not proud of as I willingly take the time and effort to complete this task laid before me to indeed write a two hundred and twenty two word sentence.