I'm always torn between
Who I want to be and who I am
The distance between the two
Feels massive, insurmountable
Like I'll never be able to pass thru it
Make it to the other side and see
What it's like to be who I'm meant to be
To surpass my expectations
And actually reach my potential
I always feel so lost and insecure
Like an imposter in my own life
Knowing that I have so much more to give
But struggling to reach within
To access all the deeper parts of my soul
And become the woman I should be
Always sitting, wondering if I have what it takes
To push thru to the next level
Really transcend my limits
But then I straighten my spine, stand tall
And remember who I am, my strength,
My intelligence, my truth
I stop shrinking, stop doubting myself
Shove down those insecurities
And realize that the distance between
Who I am and who I'm meant to be
Is nothing but a figment of my imagination
I'm who I'm meant to be, now.