Someday, Maybe
Behold, a Lady... something I shall never be
Too fancy, refined, PROPER for crazy me
I change out of my work dress, soon as I can
Sweatpants, no bra, (I kinda look like a man!)
Maybe a chick- nah, too old for that label
A gal? A lass? Wait, that sounds like a fable!
But, can't be a girl- grey hairs, roots deny
Guess my tresses need more blond hair dye
Suppressing swear words all day at my school
I think, means "Lady"? not me, I'm too cool
Home to my daughter, sarcastic like her mom
She's no lady, either, a chic with teen "wisdom"
Yup, too much attitude to be "Lady" defined
I wear too little makeup, drink too much wine
My parents may have wished a lady I'd act like
Instead, I run, workout, go for a frequent hike
Nope, not me. Definitely, definitely not a lady
But, maybe- if I cross my legs, sit demurely
If I banish my sweats, forego my flannels
Maybe then, grace and virtue I can channel
Perhaps, I can limit my swearing, keep quiet
Stifle opinions when men talk of matters politic
Oh, thank God I'm not A LADY TO BEHOLD
Suppressing my opinions? I'm just too damn old!!