Destiny’s Choice
1. Carinna reached for something solid to grab hold of as the ship lurched violently in the raging waters.
2.Carinna's heart rallied as the storm took everyone's attention and allowed her to run and hide.
3.Knowing she'd be found out soon enough, Carinna, silently whispered her thanks for this timely storm that would afford her a moment to sort out the truth.
4. "what have we here?" a huge drunken sailor chortled, grabbing hold of Carinna's already bruised body.
5. This was no ordinary storm at sea.
6. "Man your stations!", was the last frantic cry Carinna heard as she slipped into oblivion.
7. Carinna had prepared herself for a little rocking of the damned boat, But now nausea warned her it was not enough.
8. Finally, safe in her little cabin, Carinna reached under her right breast and with trembling fingers, she held the illegal and priceless stone.
9. Holding on, white knuckled and ashen-faced, Corinna suddenly let go and gave herself to the monstrous wave that swallowed her there.
10. "I - will - kill Columbus for talking me into coming with him," she vowed as another wave exploded on deck sweeping two mates past her, into the furious heart of the sea.