The number of trans teenagers that are sexually harassed at school
But that's ok, right?
They're not people
They're just a statistic
97% are discriminated against at work
A lifetime of fighting to learn themselves
Only for others not to
They are not a statistic
40% have attempted
15% have succeeded
Jenny attempted
George attempted
Jace succeeded
Jack attempted
Ginny attempted
Jasmine succeeded
Joseph attempted
But who cares about their names
After all
They aren't people
They are just numbers barely surviving in bodies built from the labels others stuck on them
Labels that cut their paper skin like glass and bleed out their hearts until all that's left is unused ink and unshed tears.
1% of people are trans
That may not seem like a lot
But it's 1% of 7, 461, 561, 484
74, 615, 617 people
There's greater chance of being trans than being struck by lightning
Being attacked by a shark
Over and over
I have to explain that they are people
Not a statistic
Not monsters
Just people
Cast out of their homes
Bullied at school
Mocked in the streets
Just for accepting who they are
And I have to wonder
How did we quietly let ourselves turn into monsters?