Courage & The King
Two soldiers stood before the King after a desperately won battle.
The first one was strong and skilled in combat.
He kneeled before the King and received a large store of Gold, Silver and Silks.
The second one was also strong but could barely kneel due to injuries.
He received a seat next to the King.
The first soldier reasoned with the officials and the King; wondering why he did not also receive a seat with the King despite his courage and achievments in the battle.
"I showed no fear in front of the enemy and I Fear no one who would dare put his sword against your Kingdom, my Lord. "
The King stood up and explained to the strong warrior.
"This soldier seated next to me had Fear, and he did feel intimidated and terrorized by his enemy. You have shown me that you are a mighty warrior perhaps with no equal. However, this solder next to me fought despite his fear and in doing so overcame himself so that he could endure until the end. That is true courage. "
The first soldier submitted to the king and left with his rewards to make a life for himself.
The second soldier, lived with the King in his Kingdom and never saw battle again -- he lived his days in joy and peace.