Soft and gntle blew the the breeze,carrying with it the fragrance blended with the perfume of sweet smelling flowers,the freshness of the morning mist and the warmth of the rising sun.The whole place looked divine with the bright light,mystic chillness due to the morning frost and the sweet melody of the birds chirping and hoping around with mirth.Everything seemed perfect.The dawn seemed wonderful,lovely and peaceful.Nature was gleaming with benevolence and love for the entire life on Earth.The little grains of sand lay damp at the seashore,with cute tiny crabs crawling out of their hidings,the celestial horizon calm and mammoth gazed gently down on Earth,the sky puffy and cloudy with a blush of the morning sun...Oh! Mother Nature looked her best and smiled graciously at her children with an air of profound satisfaction...When somwhere from yonder came a thunderous roar of heightened hatred and contempt for Mother Earth and her nourished beloved life...The volcaoes erupted on life,like a huge boiler of molten metal...,the rivers changed their course flooding the countryside...,the seas and the oceans rocked the entire life ...,ships reached the bottom...,sea bed came to shore with waves touching the sky,washing away its glow turning it blue to black...,thunder and lightening fired the sky ,bringing down torrents of rain ,adding misery and pain to the loving and caring Mother Earth.The message she understood...the tyrannical king is on his way down...