Misheard lyrics! Yes, of course listening to Pearl Jam's "Yellow Ledbetter" inspired this challenge!
So pick a song that you just can't understand and write what you hear! Try to keep it flowing with the song so we can follow your lyrics along, and please do post a link and make sure to mention the name and artist (as we always should). Please tag me and have fun!!!! I'll do one, too!
Dying in December?
As a child I loved listening to the song "Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!" at Christmastime. I would sing along in the car with the Bing Crosby cd, "We'll expire as we dream by the fire." I remember the one time my parents finally paid attention, catching and correcting my mistake. They were shocked. "It's conspire. Not expire!" "Well what does expire mean?" "It means you die!" "Oh." I quit singing that version.