The absolutely true story of how the world started.
I am Him, the Father, the Father of Earth, the Creator, the Maker. I am God
When I came into the universe, I became very bored. But first, it was very dark so
I needed a light. So that's when I created stars. Honestly, I giggled at the light
and the weird shape they had. So I touched one. And when I touched it all the thermal energy from the star came onto my finger and heated it up. Nah, let's just say that it burned. So, that was a bad idea. Well, Pro-tip! Do not touch the stars unless you are willing to get burned.
After I made a couple of them, I made some sphere-shaped objects which I later called planets. They were amazing! I mean I'm really good at this creation thing. I quickly made more, and then I named them as if they were pets. They were Mercury, Earth, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. They were amazing!
But I soon became in need of someone to talk to, someone to interact with. So I made Adam, my angel, my kid, my friend, and my son. Over the years, we talked, we played, and we enjoyed the universe. But what astounded him the most was the Earth. He loved it. Except, he thought it should have more stuff. So I made trees, plants, animals, grass, clouds, and the blue sky. But he thought this wasn't enough. He wanted a garden to live in. So I made him the Garden of Eden. But he wanted someone else to talk with. So I gave him a girl. Yes, a girl. He named her Eve for the wonderful, beautiful evening. They loved each other like they were meant to be. I mean kids are confusing, right? Until the day, they disobeyed me.
Eve, ate the apple from one of the trees when I said a million times not to! Kids, they never listen. A fire burned through my heart to see them disobey me. Of course, Adam got mad at me for yelling at his friend. He threw the world's first tantrum. He said they didn't need me, and they will leave forever. Well, let's say those words broke my heart and as soon as they stepped out of the darn garden. They were away from my love which protected them from harm. As the years pass, I look back and see their amazing creations ( which I would have loved to help with if I wasn't up here ). My children are amazing. They built pyramids, rockets to the moon, and movies, some Oscar worthy, some eh. Japanese horror is not my thing. But that Nintendo is a genius! And now you can tell everyone how the world was actually made.