Make a list of positive words from A to Z to describe who you are or how you see yourself to one day be.
a.b.c’s of how to be
An A
Belongs not in a grade book
Carved in the crevices of your heart
Damning your mistakes
Erasing your emotions
Failing you when you don't receive it
Grinding your gears
Have a little sympathy
In your chest
Just for you and you alone
Keep your breathing steady
Let your mind be cleared
Mind yourself, but
Never loathe your humanity
Open your eyes to your imperfections
Perfection is subjective
Quiet your tiny voice:
"Regret, Regret, Regret!"
Steep your body in a bath of calm
Tap dance through life
Ugly is Beauty 2.0
Vivacity is the new Vogue
Walk beside yourself sometimes, have a chat
XL does not mean extra humiliation
Yell out your hopes and dreams to the stars above and have
Zest for life.