Energon’s Conduit
This is a philosophical argument I will make. I am going to present a logical argument to support the theory that GOD is all energy, as a collective singularity.
1. The Laws of Physics state that energy cannot be created or destroyed.
2. Religion states that GOD cannot be created or destroyed.
3. Energy is omnipresent. Everything in this universe, including matter, is energy.
4. GOD is omnipresent.
5. Energy is omnipotent. Nothing can happen in this universe without the necessary energy being present.
6. GOD is omnipotent.
7. Energy is the doer of all things. If the necessary energy for something to happen, is present, it will inevitably happen. That is because energy's nature is to act. This is in accordance to the Law of Conservation of Energy, in physics; energy is never wasted.
8. The Scriptures state that GOD is the Doer of all things.
Conclusion: Energy is GOD.
Conscious GOD; Conscious Energy?
GOD, by definition, is a conscious entity. GOD is omniscient; all-knowing. Is energy conscious? It could be. Let's compare energy to the human brain; in a human brain, a single neuron is not conscious by itself. But the whole brain, consisting of many countless neurons and many countless other mechanisms, is conscious. The consciousness of the brain is a collective consciousness. It's also a collective singularity; although your mind is a collective consciousness, you don't perceive yourself as a plural. You don't refer to yourself as "we" or "us." But the consciousness in your brain, is an energetic epiphenomenon. Your consciousness arises from the functioning of your brain, and what makes your brain function is electromagnetic energy. In fact, it is the electromagnetic field, which surrounds and fully interpenetrates your entire body, that allows, causes and regulates every single function of every mechanism of your body. This field contains all the information required to construct every one of your organs. Everything in your body is constructed in accordance to the information contained within, and transmitted by, your body's EMF (electromagnetic field). Consciousness arises as the sum of countless electromagnetic impulses occurring throughout your entire body.
The next point to be made here, is that energy contains all the information of the entire universe. Information, is knowledge. Consciousness, or awareness, is the possession or containing of knowledge or information. Therefore, energy is conscious in the sense that it contains information. If you add together all the energy in the universe, you will get a sum that ultimately contains all the information or knowledge of the entire universe. Therefore, collectively, all energy knows everything in this universe. In fact, I find it reasonable to conclude that, since energy exists throughout all the infinite universes, energy collectively possesses all the information and knowledge of all the infinite universes. Basically, energy is omniscient; it knows all things.
The Divine Plural:
The Old Testament and The Qur'an both have GOD referring to Himself, often, in the "Divine Plural." The Divine Plural, is when GOD refers to Himself in the plural, as "Us," "We," "Our," "Ours," et cetera. None of the Scriptures ever offer any explanation for this. But over time, people have tried to explain it. The traditional explanation, is that GOD uses the Divine Plural to express His majesty.
But if we assume that GOD is energy, then it makes more sense. Energy can be a conscious collective singularity. GOD's use of the Divine Plural would fit right in with the theory that GOD is energy, where all energy of the cosmos acts and functions together as a great, conscious, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent collective singularity.
I'm not actually done with this post. But it's good enough for now for my readers to get started on the topic mentally.