Laben Conroy sat un-alone in his head
His lover lie cooling under the covers
She'd thrashed and moaned
She'd squirmed and she'd groaned
Whilst his fingers danced round her throat
Still unsatisfied he could not let her lie
So he rolled her over and had her again
Now Laben Conroy sat un-alone,
Crowded in fact was his head
Dripping with sweat, half hard and still wet
He buried his lover cold and dead
In a mound of pillows and sheets
The blankets still reeked
When he deserted her there in the bed
Laben Conroy walked un-alone in his head
He locked up the door on room 34
He was nine rooms through
Out of four wings this was two
How long would it be
Wondered the voices as he,
Played with the remaining sixty-six keys
’Til his manor was packed room to room.