“Believe it or Not..”
A. A baby spider is called a spiderling.
B. Do geese see God.
(This sentence is the same backwards and forwards).
C. Bananas are shaped the way they are (curved) because they grow in the direction towards the sun.
D. Baby elephants suck their trunks like babies suck their thumbs.
E. Hitler's mother wanted to abort but her doctor encouraged her to keep the/her baby.-Well, glad to know that the Doctor had a wonderful loving soul and a heart for the foetus.
Hope you enjoyed the random facts. Pieces of knowledge to share and pass on to others as well. Maybe even time to create a game for 'Fun Facts.' That could be another great invention to be a fun fact. A fun fact about a game invented called really random 'Fun facts!'
Happy President's Day 2017 B-)