You're living your dream
White picket fence
Trophy wife
and a beautiful little girl
who I hope has given you
the title I never could
You seem happy
Though all that guilt
in your eyes that night
in November tells
a different story
I hope they tell you
that I'm doing fine
Not that they
would know or care
They're anything
but altruistic
Eight years later
Still waiting for things
to get better
Cursed with the nightmares
Reliving every second
of something no one
can ameliorate
We may live in two
separate worlds
Though this Sunday
those two worlds will collide
for a split moment
when the 'most famous' words
in motorsports are delivered
I'll sit and watch the first few laps
sipping bourbon infused tea
from your old coffee mug
and wonder what your thoughts
are on the new kid behind the 24
before my break is over
and I have to get back
to my twelve