The Roadmap of Life
There is the old saying "on the roadmap of life."
Maps give us insights into certain areas, help us to navigate unknown territories, and reveal points of interest for further and future exploration.
The stories of our lives are much the same.
Our stories help people to understand how to navigate the territory of "us." After all, aren't some roads best avoided, and some areas private or even off limits? They are.
When people venture into these places lacking a map, they often find themselves lost, and/or in places and situations which are normally restricted.
Unfortunately we cannot draw a picture of our lives for people to study, so that they might navigate our territories with informed understanding. But, our stories do serve in a similar fashion.
When people take the time to learn the "map" of another, they have to first enter into a foreign land. And by studying their map, or learning their stories, they are able to better understand the territory in which they travel.
It is in our stories that the map of our life is drawn.
Study well, or risk getting lost.