"The pages are empty, and yet they still taunt me with invisible words... " Use this as the beginning to your new poem that will answer a question of your own choosing.
Dog-Eared Corners
The pages are empty, and yet they still taunt me,
with invisible words and blank pictures quite clear,
Embossed on the cover, a title that haunts me,
or would, I’m quite certain, if there were one here.
Is this the sad tale of new long-lost lover,
a warning to me of some terrible fate,
or maybe it tells of the father and mother
that I never knew, as a ward of the state?
I wish this mysterious book I could show you,
it's now grown quite large, in the palm of my hand.
The icy cold fire; the torment I go through.
I must find a way to make you understand!
The doctors try saying you're only pretend...
Hello? Please don’t leave me! You’re my only friend!
(c) 2017 - dustygrein
(a sonnet in amphibrachic tetrameter)