I hear that Aristotle once said or wrote, "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
In today's terms, and maybe even then he meant, "intelligent" rather than "educated."
For I know many educated folk (I was once one of them), that claim they are intelligent due to:
--the number of degrees on their wall,
--the memorization of "facts" in texts,
--the adoption of perspective which is unwilling to be amended,
--and confidence that prevents them from developing anyone around them.
An educated man without humility is a man without the ability to find intelligence; meant to be a man temporary in the history of time.
An intelligent man, formally educated or not, with an open-mind, allows for growth of himself and the masses among him, and thus can stand the test, and texts, of time.
I'm neither educated nor intelligent, for I remember little from my 6 years of college,
I still owe its debt, with unbelievable interest, and I know nothing about where I came from, why I'm here, or where I'm going. However, I am open-minded enough, and remember enough, to know that:
more will be revealed.