From Whence You Came
If only I could gaze into liquid pools
of your bottomless eyes,
see the dusk of your shadow
knowing you are part of me.
If only I could tell you I want to wrap
you inside me in gossamer threads,
heart beating in time with mine,
feeling your body caress mine.
If only Layered in fluidity of your words
I could feel your love lingering
with me in cushioning warmth,
a forever radiance I could grasp,
clutching forever in a corner of
my skin with you filling my pockets.
If only Without tasting your essence,
I could savor your soul in droplets
of passion lingering on my tongue,
hold your memory zippered inside.
If only I could feel you beside me, breathing,
cherished thoughts of what we shared
before you return from whence you came,
while I remain here, alone, yearning for you.
cold wet earth slipping through my fingers.