Trump Having A Hump
Dear Octavian,
I am sorry to say that I have had to make a run for it, the government are after me because I accidentally photo-shopped Donald Trump having sex, with some hookers in a hotel room in Russia. Seems he did actually do this and so now I am being chased in order to find out how I knew and where I got the photos. The girls faces I chose off the internet just by chance are very like the prostitutes he partied with evidently, who knew!
Anyway his men are after me and I have to lay low. I just guessed that he was into dressing in a diaper, sucking on a pacifier and titties, anyway I have gone to live in the jungles of South America.
I will miss being able to make more funny memes on Trump, I have no internet where I am going so I will not be able to read his daily Tweets, which are so hilariously stupid!
Still I will be reminded of him daily when ever I see a monkeys arse.
Sorry and take care