Are you a carpenter? A pole dancer? Do you work in a cubicle? Write a poem inspired by your work experience, good or bad. Lusting over a coworker? Anticipating the next promotion? Afraid of being out in the open? Write it all here!
Assembly Line
It's mind numbing
More, more, more
Assembling parts all day
Making your mind wander
A prison in some respects
Physically and emotionally tough
Anxiety is our only friend
Depression seeps into the brain
Will it ever end?
Taxing to your feelings
Wishing you were smarter
Hoping for a job worth while
Feelings of anguish continually grow
Knowing tomorrow will be the same
More products
More production
More isolation of the mind
Pain in the jointsÂ
The mundane process
Wishing you were pushed more in school
K.j.a. (c) 2017