Telling tales.
Now children, are you sitting comfortably? You have your milk and cookies?
Then I shall tell you this tale...
The children were very naughty in Old Blossom cottage, and mother dearest didn't know how she could cope any longer.
Freddie had thrown the dishes to the ground. Smashing them to tiny peices beneath his booted feet.
Louisa kept telling Lies. She had told the smaller children that the man from down the garden was going to begin hurting them that night.
Jojo made a mess. A terrible mess. He would throw toys to the ground and mess up the beds. He would even put things down the toilet.
Sammy James was the only good boy and mother dearest had begged him to tell the children a story and have them put on their pyjamas and brush their teeth.
He did that for their mother because he was a kind, and helpful boy. He didn't tell lies.
Once the children were tucked up in their beds he proceeded to tell them a magical story about a princess and a beautiful white horse. With singing teapots and runaway boys.
They were all slowly falling to sleep when Sammy James changed. His voice dropped to a deep growl and his story completely changed direction.
"The old Mr Man is coming because you children have been bad. He will creak up the stairs with his walking stick at midnight. He will take your skin and Wear it as a hat. He will gouge out your eyeballs and use them like marbles. But before he does any of that, he will remove your fingernails one by one and put them in his purple fingernail bag."
Then Sammy James stood up and left the room, heading to his own bed.
The children shivered in the darkness. The fear making their skin cold.
Midnight struck and those naughty children were still wide awake.
If they were asleep they wouldn't have heard the creaking of the stairs, or the regular tapping of a wooden walking stick as the noises approached them.
The End.
Did you enjoy that tale children?
Now off to bed with you all.
Please behave in the morning.
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