Ugly voices
I want to hear the ugly voices
The ones the world tries to cover up
The ones too afraid to be heard
The ones they say aren’t good enough
I want to hear the ugly voices
Ring out loud and true
Burst forth your rambling chortles
Sing out your imperfect tune
The others may not catch your beauty
In the imbalance of your sound
But there’s a truth that’s long been missing
In their sculpted falsettos found
I want to hear your ugly voices
Thought broken beyond repair
Lines wrought with heartbreak
Verses rife with despair
Let us move to your fractured songs
Lament and sorrowful
The tones that hurt our ears
And make us uncomfortable
There is an army rising up
An awakening at hand
To face the raging apathy
That has overtaken our land
No more ice cold hearts
Open up our closed ears
No more "everything is fine"
Gasped between our tears
Our sorrow must be recognized
If we ever want to be healed
But it requires a brand new courage
Or our fate is forever sealed
To be "just okay"
To slip between the cracks
To deaden our hopes and dreams
Steal a future we won't get back
We must face our open wounds
Shift our eyes to the broken
Reach out to the crippled
Hear the words softly spoken
That beg for a new vision
Of a life yet to come
That is full of joy and wonder
That thinks us not yet done
Your story matters
It's the only way we know
How to propel you forward
Show the places you can go
If you're willing to give up
The chains round your neck
The shackles about your fists
The past holding you back
Every tear, every fear
Every insecurity
Every doubt you sing out
Shines a light inside of me
To hear a melody like mine
Full of trauma and regret
A song of understanding
Beginning to be met
By a chorus of sons and daughters
Once too afraid to be heard
Now realizing they're not alone
Seeing the power of their word
To heal a hurting nation
From wounds that go so deep
Boldly pray out loud
My soul now to keep
A generation finding hope
A world rising up
Discovering their worth
Believing they are enough
All because you bravely sang
Of a life out of tune
So rise up your ugly voices
The world needs to hear you